Evolution Solar Inc

How To Make Solar Panels Look Good? 6 Inspiring Ideas

Solar panels are attractive, but people want to build homes ideal for them and their families. So, they are worried about how they appear. Every issue can, however, be resolved. Many stylish solar panels are available now that look wonderful when installed and provide you with many advantages. This post will discuss how to make solar panels look good. Listed below are some ways to help you make the solar panels look good when fitted at your property.

Roof Mount & Ground Solar Panels

Some individuals oppose the installation of solar panels on roofs. If you belong to this group, you can choose ground-mounted solar panels. However, ground-mounted solar panels would require a more significant area due to limited access to good tips for receiving solar electricity. However, they provide you with the highest efficiency if you give them the angle needed to produce renewable energy. If ground mounts are not an option, you can always choose solar panels that look good and fit within your budget.


The thing that helps your solar panels is the frame. It offers the option to install and connect the panels to the rack and secure their edges. They come in black and silver, which are their two available colors. Black solar panels are popular because they can fit in with most home designs. However, the grey panels are the more reasonably priced ones. Both solar panels function and have the same qualities.

Position is Most Important

a man holding a solar panel

Keep your interest in solar panels’ futuristic appearance a secret from your friends. Well, you can pick your place based on your needs. However, in some circumstances, it also depends on where your property is located. When facing south, solar panels perform at their peak. So, the panels wouldn’t operate at their maximum capacity if your home faces south and you don’t want to place them in the front.

Keep In Mind When Finalize Your Solar Panel System

Follow these points when finalizing your solar panel system:

• Choosing a Location for your Solar Panels

It might be possible to conceal the solar panels someplace if you don’t like the futuristic appearance solar systems afford. The solar system can be mounted on the side of your roof that isn’t facing the street, depending on how you’re building or residence is oriented.

If your home meets north, this is the best location for solar panels because they produce the most electricity while facing south. If your property faces south, on the other hand, installing the panels exclusively on the back of your roof would mean severe output losses.

• Choose Those Color Solar Panels That You'd Like

a man holding a solar panel

Generally speaking, monocrystalline solar panels are darker and more aesthetically pleasing; black panels with a black background and no cables are seen to be the most appealing. They are more expensive but consume less energy. Polycrystalline panels are less aesthetically pleasing, bluer in color, and less sophisticated. They often have white backing and silver frames.

Although polycrystalline panels are less costly than monocrystalline ones, they are less energy-efficient. You can also think about how the colors of the monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels contrast with the color of your roof if both are viable financial possibilities.

• Look at the Color Contrast

A dark brown roof with black solar panels is frequently a bad idea. If the colors are the same, black on black is OK. Black, grey, or grey-blue are suitable colors. Because they are sufficiently different from black to complement, lighter roof colors are best for black solar panels. Although less professional-looking overall, the bluer solar panels are simpler to fit your roof since blue looks good against any background.


The standard recommendation is to clean your solar panels two to four times a year. It has been very well proven that solar panels increase the value of your house, despite the way they appear to do so. And if that’s not carrying enough, there are many solar panels with appealing designs and patterns to use solar energy while still having a stunning home.


Do solar panels devalue your home?

The average price of a home with solar energy is around 4% greater than a home without solar power.

What is the life expectancy of home solar panels?

PV panels, another name for solar cells, are designed to survive for over 25 years. Many solar panels installed as early as the 1980s are still performing as expected. Solar panels have a very long lifespan, which has increased dramatically during the past 20 years.

Do solar panels ruin your roof?

Solar panels don’t harm your roof and can raise your home’s worth. Homes with solar panels fetch 4% more when they are sold.